月: 2016年2月
3/3 BDTI Seminar: “Global Trends in Antitrust Enforcement: What the Future Holds”
Japan’s Antimonopoly Act (the AMA) was recently amended so as to adopt a wider and deeper scope for the surcharge system, a leniency program, and the authority to investigate criminal cases as measures to strengthen enforcement.
「昨年12月4日、国際的な金融システムの監督機構である金融安定理事会(Financial Stability Board: FSB)は、気候変動に関する財務情報開示タスクフォース(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure: TCFD)を設立したと発表しました
”Proposals for Raising Productivity in Japan” (by Nicholas Benes)
Proposals for Raising Productivity
This is an English translation of a presentation in Japanese that I have given recently to several influential members of the government.
The opinions are my own.