この三つの短いビデオは、米国のNACD (Nat'l Association of Corp. Directors)が作ったもので、分かりやすい英語でとても重要な概念が説明されています。シリコン・バレーの知恵と力を感じます。
Effective Boards (Part 1): Board Composition
Effective Boards (Part 2): Relationship with the CEO
Effective Boards (Part 3): Getting the Facts
"In this first of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the characteristics of effective board members are discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."
Effective Boards (Part 2): Relationship with the CEO
"In this second of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the board’s relationship with the CEO is discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."
Effective Boards (Part 3): Getting the Facts
"In this third of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the board’s efforts at getting the facts are discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."
Videos produced by the Silicon Valley Chapter of the NACD