実効な取締役会とは (NACDの三つのビデオ)

この三つの短いビデオは、米国のNACD (Nat'l Association of Corp. Directors)が作ったもので、分かりやすい英語でとても重要な概念が説明されています。シリコン・バレーの知恵と力を感じます。

Effective Boards  (Part 1): Board Composition

Effective Boards (Part 2): Relationship with the CEO

Effective Boards (Part 3): Getting the Facts

"In this first of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the characteristics of effective board members are discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."


Effective Boards (Part 2): Relationship with the CEO

"In this second of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the board’s relationship with the CEO is discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."


Effective Boards (Part 3): Getting the Facts

"In this third of a three-part podcast, recorded in December 2011, the board’s efforts at getting the facts are discussed. Finocchio, a director at Altera and Echelon corporations, was formerly CEO and president of Informix. Allan, a director of Groth Vineyards & Winery, was formerly a director of NetLogic Microsystems, Catalyst Semiconductor, Accom and Global Motorsport Group."


Videos produced by the Silicon Valley Chapter of the NACD

BDTIについて BDTIでは、取締役や監査役など役員として、また業務執行役、部長など役員を支える立場の方としての基本的な能力を身に着けるための役員研修「国際ガバナンス塾」を定期的に開催しています。(オーダーメイド役員研修も、承っております。)また、「会社法」「金商法」「コーポレートガバナンス」の基礎をオンラインで学べる低価格のeラーニングコースを提供しています。詳細はこちらから。講座の概要は以下の通りです。


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