Video of Al Gore and David Blood Discussing White Paper on “Sustainable Capitalism” (+ White Paper)

[We recently had the privilege of hearing Al Gore and David Blood of Generation Investment Management speak at the PRI Responsible Investment Symposium here in Tokyo… and were very impressed. An Executive Summary of White Paper follows, and you can find the link to both the video clip and the White Paper below.] 

"The challenges facing the planet today are unprecedented and extraordinary; climate change, water scarcity, poverty, disease, growing inequality of income and wealth, demographic shifts, trans-border and internal migration, urbanisation and a global economy in a state of constant dramatic volatility and flux, to name but a few. While governments and civil society will need to be part of the solution to these massive challenges, ultimately it will be companies and investors that will mobilise the capital needed to overcome them.

To address these sustainability challenges, we advocate for a paradigm shift to Sustainable Capitalism; a framework that seeks to maximise long-term economic value creation by reforming markets to address real needs while considering all costs and stakeholders.

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we make the economic case for mainstreaming Sustainable Capitalism by highlighting the fact that it does not represent a trade-off with profit maximisation but instead actually fosters superior long-term value creation. Second, we recommend five key actions for immediate adoption that will accelerate the mainstreaming of Sustainable Capitalism by 2020:

1. Identify and incorporate risks from stranded assets;
2. Mandate integrated reporting;
3. End the default practice of issuing quarterly earnings guidance;
4. Align compensation structures with long-term sustainable performance; and
5. Encourage long-term investing with loyalty-driven securities.
In addition, we also believe that there are five broader ideas that merit ongoing support and attention.

Specifically, we think there is a need to:

i. Reinforce sustainability as a fiduciary issue;
ii. Create advisory services for sustainable asset management;
iii. Expand the range and depth of sustainable investment products;
iv. Reconsider the appropriate definition for growth beyond GDP; and
v. Integrate sustainability into business education at all levels.
Ben Franklin famously said, “You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again.” We have the opportunity to rebuild for the long term and an obligation to seize it. Sustainable Capitalism will create opportunities and rewards but it will also mean challenging the pernicious orthodoxy of short-termism. Now is the time to accelerate the transition."

You can download the White Paper, another report, and see the video here:


White Paper:

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