1. Corporate Governance Report, "Can We Talk? The Continuing Demand for Shareholder Engagement" This report is released by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. http://www.skadden.com/content/Publications/Publications2397_0.pdf
2. The recent publications from Paul Hastings
"UK Securities Law Update Q1 2011" http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/yvrpd9ib
"Delaware Chancery Court Rules that a Reverse Triangular Merger May Constitue an "Assignment by Operation of Law"" http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/ua3c012w
3. The recent publications from Deloitte
"Evaluating the Tone at the Top: Practical Suggestions for Auidt Committees" http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/w0tn1fd5
"Is Fair Value Changing? FASB and IASB Issue Substantially Converged Requirements for Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure" http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/owi5j69x