(By Matt Orsagh, CFA, CIPM)(世界中、「エンゲージメント・コード」や「スチュワードシップ・コード」が多数発表された現象についての記事です。最近、各国でどのような展開があったかについてのサマリー・リポートです。) ”Engagement codes seem to be all the rage these days; since August 2013, groups in Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia, and most recently the United States have been falling all over themselves to get investors and boards talking. Kudos to these groups — as is the case with any relationship, frequent and meaningful communication and engagement build trust and make collaboration more fruitful.”
続き) http://blogs.cfainstitute.org/marketintegrity/2014/03/26/shareholder-engagement-bridging-the-divide-between-boards-and-investors/