(100%電子の議決権行使、株主総会参加システム)- Turkey “How Is the First-Time Used Electronic General Meeting System Received?”


Investors Are Generally Content With the System –  As for investors’ reaction, comments from investors conveyed to our association note mostly that e-GEM system is an easy way of voting. It wouldn’t be wrong to say, at least on the basis of comments we received, that “investors are content”.

Even so, we have asked questions about the issue to Vuslat Sümen, a lawyer who is very experienced in general meetings and who have attended a lot of general meetings for years on behalf of institutional investors. Sümen says e- GEM has eliminated the obligation on the part of investors to go to the MKK and get a letter of blockage for every general meeting to be attended, and shortened the application period to the last day before the meeting date. Sümen adds, “On the other hand, duration of blockage on the share is shortened and investors’ power of disposition regarding the share is facilitated. This system enabled savings in time and costs that are incurred when the investor physically attends the meeting. An investor participating in e-GEM can easily watch the general meetings of companies whose shares he holds, through a much easier method.”


New Proxy System in Turkey (details)

BDTIについて BDTIでは、取締役や監査役など役員として、また業務執行役、部長など役員を支える立場の方としての基本的な能力を身に着けるための役員研修「国際ガバナンス塾」を定期的に開催しています。(オーダーメイド役員研修も、承っております。)また、「会社法」「金商法」「コーポレートガバナンス」の基礎をオンラインで学べる低価格のeラーニングコースを提供しています。詳細はこちらから。講座の概要は以下の通りです。


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