8月19日に発表されたゴールドマン・サックス証券の日本企業のコーポレート・ガバナンスに関する調査レポート『Japan: Portfolio Strategy - Corporate Governance
Redux ~Abenomics success requires unlocking Japan Inc.’s potential~』の中で、日本企業のガバナンスは改善されているもののグローバル・スタンダードから見るとまだ改善の余地があると指摘し、BDTIが推奨している役員研修方針の開示についてもその一つとして下記のように紹介されました。
「Mandatory requirements and disclosure for director training: Given the heavy responsibility borne by board directors, it is essential they are quipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge to fulfill their duties. While corporate governance rules in most countries (including China and Bangladesh) contain requirements for board training, Japan does not have any such rules. The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI), a non-profit organization that specializes in director training and governance issues, has long advocated that Japanese listed firms be required to disclose their policies regarding director training.11
11 BDTI is a ‘public interest organization’ approved by the Japanese government. For more details, see BDTI’s website: http://bdti.or.jp/english.」