A groupof women who all attended BDTI's Director Training for Women (女性ガバナンス塾) as a Shine Weeks event approved by the government, have formed an association Women Debutant Directors (WDD). The group will facilitating networking and study sessionsfor women who are interested to become outside directors and kansayaku.
This new group is especially relevant not only because of the various Womenomicsinititatives underway, but also because the new Corporate Governance Code (which I myself proposed) encourages diversity on boards, including the appointment offemale directors.
The above photo was taken at the year-end party for WDD's founding members.
Nicholas Benes
BDTI Representative Director
Thank you so much for the post. Attending the session at BTDI was such a great experience for me. In addition to that, meeting these women was simply inspirational!
Very much looking forward to working with them to promote women in the work place (including becoming directors).