Mixed-Gender Boards Outperform All-Male boards, Finds Study

From Inside Investor Relations -”Boards with female presence have better corporate governance and mix of leadership skills”

Companies with at least one woman on the board of directors outperformed companies with all-male boards for the past six years in share price gains, according to a report by the Credit Suisse Research Institute.

Amended German Corporate Governance Code

The new, amended German Corporate Governance code has been published. It is enforced on a comply-or-explain basis. Section 5.4.5 refers to limitations on the number of allowable director positions, and training ofSupervisoryBoard members, whichmust be funded by the company:

What is Corporate Culture?

The most important step to introduce successful planned change management programs is to understand the corporate culture of an organization.

We all know that companies with outstanding financial performance often have powerful corporate cultures, suggesting that “culture” is the key to an organization’s success.

Cultural change does not happen in an organization; it is usually result of a complex change strategy implemented by company’s management.

Let’s examine what is corporate culture all about:

GovernanceMetrics’ Women on Boards Report

The third editon of GovernanceMetrics’ Women on Boards report is released amidst the increasingly vigorous debate on gender diversity and its importance in the boardroom. Overall, the number of women on boards has increased in the last year, but only modestly. This has lead to greater momentum for interventon by governments and regulators to either impose quotas or require companies to put specific plans in place to achieve greater gender diversity on their board.