This Week in the Boardroom: 8/30/12
Keys to Being an Effective Committee Chair
TK Kerstetter, President, Corporate Board Member
Charles Yamarone, Director, El Paso Electric & United Continental Holdings
Month: August 2012
Why Training is the Key to Improving Corporate Governance in Japan
The recent decision by the MOJ’s Advisory Committee on the Company Law made it clear that for the next ten years or so, in terms of the composition of Japanese boards, the most that investors can expect will be soft-law rules requiring (or encouraging) the appointment of only one independent director at listed companies. Thus, most Japanese boards will remain overwhelmingly dominated by internal executives.
Why Accounting Matters: Revenue Recognition: GMI Ratings’ Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR®) Rating
The following very useful explanation appearedon Governance Metrics International’s web site. GMI is the leading independent provider of global corporate governance and ESG ratings and research. Corporate stakeholders – including leading investors, insurers, auditors, regulators and others – use GovernanceMetrics services to identify and monitor risks related to non-financial measures covering key environmental, social, governance and accounting risk factors. (Memo by James James Kaplan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive.)
Germany’s “Flexi-Quota” System re Women on Boards
Video: In the Boardroom with Lucy Marcus – interview with Kristina Schröder re the question, can companies be trusted to recruit women into leadership positions? Germany's Family Affairs Minister says they can. Lucy Marcus speaks to Kristina Schröder on her controversial 'flexi-quota' policy.
Practical Law Company Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook 2012/2013 (US Chapter, with Japanese Translation)
Attached please find the United States chapter of the PLC Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook 2012/2013 and a Japanese translation of the chapter. The article provides a basic overview of public company M&A in the U.S. and is organized in an easy-to-use question and answer format that we hope you find useful.
Should you have any questions concerning the content of the article, please contact Ken Lebrun at (81) 3-5251-0203.
Download: click on download original asset: at lower right:
“Rising to the Top” – by Astrid Tuminez – Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Asia Society
A report on women's leadership in Asia. Feel free to download below.
CLSA Benthos Report: “A Handle on Scandal”, Quoting BDTI’s Nicholas Benes
Quotes and Related Sections: There’s no quality control on outside directors and no training requirement
“Gender Diversity in the Board Room: Why it Matters, and How to Increase it ” – [Event w/ McKinsey’s G. Desvaux: Oct. 3, 2012]
[CCCJ Event arranged in cooperation with The Board Director Training Institute of Japan, TMI Associates, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, the French Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and with participation by McKinsey & Company Inc Japan]
When Italy has recently passed a law requiring the boards of listed companies to have 20% of their boards be comprised by women as of 2012 and 33% by 2015, you know that the issue of “gender diversity” has reached some sort of critical mass.
Olympus and the ‘Japanese Solution”
[ Article by Stephen Givens,the Japanese version of which is available at:] –>
The story of Olympus continues to unfold in fascinating ways, an uncontrolled experiment revealing what happens when Japanese corporate culture collides against the forces of globalization.
“A Heaven for Insider Trading – The dark side of Japan’s stock markets”
( August 06, 2012 Hideo Aiba ) A series of insider trading scandals involving Nomura Securities and others have cast a dark cloud over Japan's capital markets. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, says financial journalist Hideo Aiba.
A series of insider trading scandals involving Nomura Securities and others have cast a dark cloud over Japan's capital markets. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, says financial journalist Hideo Aiba.