Canada Experiences Its Most Active Year Yet in Anti-Corruption Law and Enforcement

During 2013, there were many developments in Canadian anti-corruption law and enforcement, including new Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigations and charges, CFPOA convictions, legislative amendments and related regulatory initiatives. At the present time, the RCMP advises that it has over 35 CFPOA investigations ongoing. The most significant of this past year’s CFPOA developments are summarized below. …

(FSA) “Administrative Actions against Mizuho Bank Co., Ltd. and Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.”

Based on the results of the inspection of Mizuho Bank Co., Ltd and Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. conducted by the Financial Services Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “FSA”) and the reports submitted by Bank, the FSA today took the following administrative actions against Mizuho Bank Co., Ltd and Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. in order to ensure sound and appropriate business operations.

[ Available at: ]

MoFo Client Alert: “The Brazilian Clean Companies Act – What You Need to Know”

Excerpt: On January 29, 2014, the Brazilian Clean Companies Act (CCA) will enter into force. The CCA is an aggressive and broadly drafted piece of legislation which represents a firm statement of intent from the Brazilian government to align itself with global trends and tackle corruption head on. Brazil is an important trading partner for many UK companies and the reverse is also true.1 Companies doing business in Brazil should take note of the CCA and ensure that their existing compliance controls and procedures respond appropriately to its particular features.

Trace “Global Enforcement Report” on Anti-Corruption Enforcement

Excerpt from introduction: Unfortunately, little data is consistently available on the pace of, and trends in, international anti-bribery enforcement, although such information is essential to understanding the extent to which countries are enforcing their anti-bribery statutes and encouraging greater transparency in global business. TRACE publishes the Global Enforcement Report (GER) annually to meet this need.

Nishimura & Asahi: “Lessons Learned from Recent Japanese M&A Contract Interpretation Cases”

Nisshimura & Asahi have created this useful presentation on Lessons Learned from Recent JapaneseM&A Contract Interpretation Cases, which covers recent legal history in this area and the following topics:

Emancipation of Japanese M&A Contract Drafting
Buyer’s Knowledge
Liquidated Damages
Entire Agreement Clause
Indemnification Claims