Model Shareowner Proposal for Proxy Access

(Just look at all the things our friends in the US have to go through simply in order to be able to get their shareholder proposals to nominate directors in the Proxy materials.To Japan's credit, it already provides clear access to the proxy for anyone holding the lesser of 1% of total shares or 300 units – a low hurdle. )


Disintermediating the Proxy Advisory Firms: Marty Lipton on the Harvard Law School Forum Blog

…..Unfortunately the voting policies of the proxy advisory firms are usually derived from unsupported notions of what constitutes “good governance” and are often applied in ways that do not account for the specific circumstances at many companies. Accordingly, this approach often fails to advance the real interests of long-term investors…..

Japanese Financial Institutions Should Comment on Dodd-Frank Rulemaking

Regulators in the United States are writing rules to implement the Dodd-Frank legislation, including rules that will determine how broadly the law will apply to activity outside the United States. Japanese and other foreign financial institutions should take advantage of this opportunity to influence the regulations, because the consequences will be very important to them, and change will be much easier to accomplish now than it will be in the future.

TSE Translation of MOJ’s “Interim Proposal Concerning Amendment of the Companies Act”

The TSE has kindly prepared a translation of the interim proposal by the MOJ with respect to amendment of the Company Law of Japan, which is now up for public comment until the end of January.As readers probably know, the incumbentDPJ party initially started this third amendment process in 10 years with the goal of improviing corporate governance.


Instructions for Public Comment: