Starting April 1st to June 30th, for qualifying women who enroll to take any of BDTI’s director training courses as described below, Oasis will cover all costs. These Japanese and English-language training programs have been designed by leading experts in Japan to prepare candidates to serve as directors, statutory auditors, and executive officers in Japan. We look forward to women with a broad range of experience taking advantage of this opportunity to receive director education. (Click here to see Oasis’ press release.)
Information & Procedures for Application
Based on applications received between April 1st and June 30th, 2024, Oasis will determine whether to award scholarships to applicants. Scholarship applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, so please send your resume and other required information as soon as possible.
【Programs Covered by the Initiative】
The Initiative covers the following courses. BDTI may schedule additional courses depending on demand from the general public, and applications based on this initiative, and the availability of lecturers.
- Governance ‘Juku’ (「ガバナンス塾」, Japanese)
- Advanced Outside Director Training (「社外取塾」, Japanese)
- Role Play Course(ロールプレイ役員研修), Japanese)
- English language “Director Boot Camp”
- Finance Course(Japanese)
- E-learning Suite (Japanese)
【Application procedures】
- If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please: (a) provide your up-to-date summary CV information (“resume”) in either English or Japanese; and (b) tell us which course, on which date, you would like to attend, by sending an email to: info@bdti.or.jp . We will forward that information to Oasis for their consideration. (At this point, please do not register on BDTI’s website to take the selected course/e-learning. Such registration should only occur after the sponsor (Oasis) has accepted your application.)
- Oasis will endeavor to respond within two to three weeks, by asking BDTI to send you an email. If and when your application is approved, please register for the course in which you have expressed interest.
- Note that the 「社外取塾」 and 「ロールプレイ役員研修」has a prerequisite that you have first taken the 「ガバナンス塾」 , or already have an equivalent level of knowledge. Applicants for the Finance Course must have the title or rank of executive officer (執行役員 or equivalent) or above within their organization.
- Only one course per person is allowed for this scholarship. (BDTI’s e-learning suite of four “modules” will be considered a single “course” for this purpose. )
- Applicants who have previously received a scholarship from BDTI are not eligible to apply.
- Applications must be submitted by individuals. Applications from companies will not be accepted.
- If the course/date you wish to take reaches its maximum capacity, we may ask you to take the course on an alternative date.
- After sending your resume, it will take about 2 to 3 weeks for the sponsor to review it.
- By applying for a scholarship, you are giving your permission to BDTI to share your resume and your personal/contact information with the sponsoring company, Oasis Management. Please see Section 4 of BDTI’s Privacy Policy.
- After the screening process is complete, neither BDTI nor Oasis will retain your resume, which will be destroyed/deleted. If you did not receive a scholarship, Oasis will also destroy/delete your personal/contact information. If you did receive a scholarship, both Oasis and BDTI will retain your personal and contact information that you filled out when you registered for the course on the program registration page, and will comply with the rules set forth at the bottom of that page.
- No changes of course date or cancellations are allowed.
- Cancellations made 3 weeks prior to the event date will be charged 50% of the course fee.
- Cancellations made within 3 days of the event or on the day of the event will be charged the full amount of the course fee.
Oasis Management Company Ltd.
Oasis Management Company Ltd. manages private investment funds focused on opportunities in a wide array of asset classes across countries and sectors. Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth H. Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer. More information about Oasis is available at https://oasiscm.com . Oasis has adopted the Japan FSA’s “Principles of Responsible Institutional Investors” (a/k/a Japan Stewardship Code) and in line with those principles, Oasis monitors and engages with our investee companies. Oasis is a member of the 30% Club Japan and Hong Kong Chapter Investor Groups and a founding member of the Hong Kong Board Diversity Investor Initiative.
【About The Board Director Training Institute of Japan】
The Board Director Training Institute (BDTI) is a “public interest” nonprofit in Japan dedicated to training about directorship, corporate governance, and related management techniques. It is certified by the Japanese government to conduct these activities as a regulated nonprofit, and also to provide data and database services related to corporate disclosure. Nicholas Benes, the CEO of BDTI, is the person who proposed the concept of a governance code to the Japanese government in 2013, including its principle that specifically mentions gender diversity.