”The ‘Safe’ Zone and Other Challenges to Japan’s Cybersecurity Governance Efforts”

There has been notable increased concern about protecting ICT systems from cyber attacks not only in Japan but over the globe the past years given that using IT is now even more important for corporate profitability.  Cyber attacks can cause serious financial loss through theft of information, disruptions and other unlawful actions. Protecting ICT systems and their contents is  crucial for any 21st Century business or company. In response to this, companies now have to invest more in cybersecurity as a corporate strategy.

Progress in Japan’s cybersecurity activities is underway. For example, The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated the Cybersecurity Management Guidelines with the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA). It is expected that these measures for cybersecurity will be promoted under the leadership of corporate managers based on the Guidelines. [ To facilitate this process, BDTI will hold a Japanese-language seminar on 10/5. Speakers will include the head of METI’s division handling cyber-security matters, a BDTI director sitting on the key committee; and lawyers familiar with global cyber-security legal risk issuess.  See: https://bdti.or.jp/news/10-05-cyber-seminar/  to sign up for the seminar. ]

The article below, by Mihoko Matsubara and Danielle Kriz analyses one of the key recommendations, Corporate Governance, in the guidelines.  Corporate Governance, which helps establish cybersecurity teams with appropriate division of responsibilities is identified as an aid in assisting companies overcome red tape and craft more-comprehensive cybersecurity practices  to suit the 21st century. The writers highlight the importance of being aware of the differences between the Japanese corporate culture and structure and western countries and how this has a bearing on the vulnerability to cyber threats.  The article lastly suggests improvements that can be made to the cybersecurity guidelines in future.

Read article here.

Posted by Bella Dutki

Source: CSO Perspective

About BDTI

The Board Director Training Institute (BDTI) is a “public interest” nonprofit in Japan dedicated to training about directorship, corporate governance, and related management techniques. It is certified by the Japanese government to conduct these activities as a regulated nonprofit. Read a summary about BDTI here, and see a menu of its services for both corporations and investors here.

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