Who Is the Most Influential Corporate Governance Tweeter in 2012 ?

Competia has compiled a list of the mostinfluential experts on Twitter discussing corporate governance. The full results are shown in this link, along with some analysis that shows there aquite respectable community discussing corporate governancissues has formed on Twitter.


Unfortunately, what is most iinteresting is what we already knew: there are no Japanese-based members (exceptBDTI) in this community. Onceagain, Japan seems to be choosing the Galapagos route…at a time when foreign pundits like (#1 ranked) Lucy Marcusare calling this year's AGM season Shareholder Spring.


(3 June 2012) Last year, I wrote a blog that summarized the most influential experts on Twitter discussing corporate governance. One year later, let's look at what has changed and analyze how the corporate governance community is shaping up on Twitter

The methodology

I have listed the corporate governance experts already identified in my twitter list ( see here) , and added those who my colleagues are also interacting with. Unlike last year, I have then used Peerindex to score those experts. I find Peerindex a better judge of real influence and less prone to manipulation. I have added in the last column the Klout to score each of these tweeters too – you'll see there are few inconsistencies.

As I had done last year, I have focussed on the individuals behind the tweets and the insight they share. I excluded those who cover a much larger range of issues than just corporate governance ( less than 5% of tweets devoted to corporate governance): people such as Nouriel Roubini ( @nouriel ) who would have ranked 69 in Klout, or #1, or Rosabeth Kanter ( @rosabethkanter ) who would have ranked 65 ), as the topic they are covering have a much wider range than corporate governance and the data gets clouded by their public work and comments. I also have excluded the accounts that are representing a national association and do not put forward an individual person or writer, such as the excellent @nacd account for the North American Association for Corporate Directors ( and would have ranked third). I excluded Harvard's Law School Corp Gov program ( @harvardcorpgov ) and @rockcenter4corpgov for the same reasons.

You will note some CSR experts have been included in the list: I have included them when they are specifically addressing issues of corporate governance and CSR as is the case with Fabian Pattberg ( @fabianpattberg ) and Janet Morgan ( @jan_morgan ).

So who are the most influential corporate governance tweeters ?

#1: Lucy Marcus ( @lucymarcus ) from Marcus Ventures,comes in first position ( she was second last year). Lucy is a renown writer and speaker on issues relative to corporate governance, and in particular the role of women. She is a globally renown observer of corporate boards: this explains how she has shifted her focus over the past 12 months from practitioner to commentator ( she is very much linked to Reuters' network of columnists) and academic.

#2: Estelle Metayer (My account @competia . Those hours of research are paying off !)

#3: Douglas Y. Park: ( @dougchia ): Douglas is a Palo Alto business attorney and corporate governance advisor located in Silicon Valley in California. We will have the pleasure of seeing him teach at Stanford University this summer. (continued – see the full list on the link)

The Board Director Training Institute (BDTI) is a "public interest" nonprofit in Japan dedicated to training about directorship, corporate governance, and related management techniques. It is certified by the Japanese government to conduct these activities as a regulated nonprofit. Read a summary about BDTI here, and see a menu of its services for both corporations and investors here.

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