English Language “Director Boot Camp” Training Program (CLOSED – will offer again in June- please contact us)

BDTI will offer its English-language director training program on Saturday, May 12. The purpose of the program will be to familiarize attendees with basic knowledge that they need to know in order to responsibly serve on, or report to, boards of Japanese companies. The course will consist of short lectures interspersed with ample time for interactive discussion and questions-and-answers about real-life situations that occur on boards in Japan, and how to handle them.

Please see more details – and apply!

Board Evaluations: Rigorous Process or Kabuki Theatre? (Video)

In recent years, virtually all boards acknowledge that an annual board evaluation is required by “best practices.” How that evaluation should be done, by the board members themselves or by outside “experts” still remains an open matter. And whether these evaluations, either internal or external, are in most cases useful in improving board performance or in “weeding out” nonproductive directors, is also a matter open to debate. Which evaluation practices offer the best chance of improving board performance?

Steven Towns of Active Investing Submits Public Comment to TSE Regarding its Proposed Listing Rules

[ BDTI is seeking to collect any and all public comments recently submitted to TSE per is public comment process. We have recently received this one from Steven Towns of Active Investing. Please feel free to send your comment to BDTI at info@bdti.or.jp. ]

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 12:36 PM
To: jojo-kikaku@tse.or.jp
Cc: steven.towns
Subject: Public Comment (Restoring confidence in the securities mkt)
Dear Tokyo Stock Exchange Listing Department:

Global ProxyWatch on Michael Woodford’s Speech to the CII, Mentioning the Need for Rules Requiring Director Training in Japan

GlobalProxyWatch's recent Newsletter summarized Michael Woodford'sriveting speech at the spring meeting of the Council of Institutional Investors, including his advice to the TSE to promulgate rules requiring issuers to provide executive directors with comprehensive training “to better acquaint them with their legal duties and liabilities.”

Below is an excerpt. You can sign up for Global ProxyWatch's popular Newsletter here: http://www.proxywatch.com/