Tokyo’s New Anti-Organized Crime Ordinance – a Potential Corporate Governance Minefield?

Professor Colin P.A. Jones, Doshisha University Law School

In the legal universe, municipal regulation and corporate governance occupy different solar systems. This may explain why few people orbiting the sun of Japanese corporate governance may have noticed the potential significance of Tokyo’s prefectural Anti-Violent Crime Group ordinance, which was passed on March 18, 2011 and comes into force on October 1.


I thought it might be illuminating to others if I wrote down why I founded BDTI, why it is a nonprofit organization, and why I donated a large portion of my wealth to it.

10 Simple Questions Many Directors Probably Can’t Answer. Can You?

Just for fun, here are some simple questions. I betmore than halfof the directors on Japanese public company boards cannot answer all 10questions correctly.

If you sit on the board of a private company in Japan, and you don't know the answers, you too may need to worry about what else you don't know.

1) How is the duty of due care interpreted in Japanese courts?What is the business judgment rule and how is it interpreted?

Deloitte Anti-Corruption Practices Survey 2011: Cloudy with a Chance of Prosecution?

” Achieving compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and similar anti-corruption legislative requirements has become an increasing concern for companies that operate globally. The number of FCPA-related enforcement actions and the size of penalties have increased dramatically over the last several years, affecting companies from all around the world.

(Davis Polk Briefing) “Gary Retelny Talks to Us as the Newly Appointed President of ISS”

MSCI, the parent company of ISS, recently announced that Gary Retelny, a member of MSCI’s Executive Committee and its Corporate Secretary, has been appointed President of ISS. As ISS is clearly an influential force in corporate governance developments, we asked Mr. Retelny about his new position.

Davis Polk: What are your primary goals and expectations for ISS as we approach the 2012 proxy season?

Proxy Season 2011: A Tipping Point for Social and Environmental Issues? (Harvard Forum)

The following postin the Harvard Forum on CorporateGovernance and FinancialRegulation,is from Heidi Welsh, Executive Director at the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), with input from Tim Smith, Senior Vice President at Walden Asset Management, and was adapted from the executive summary of a longer report on the results of the 2011 proxy season published by Si2. […]

What Sort of Corporate Governance Improvements Should Amendment of the Company Law Focus On?

BDTI's seminar on amendment of the Company Law last Friday was a big success, with a full turnout and many incisive comments and explanations from our panelists. We would like to thank everyone who attended.

There were differences of opinion betweenthe panelistswith regard to the question of: what should be the main focus of the amendment process,in order to improve corporate governance in Japan? (I.e., what are we trying to fix? )