World Bank-IFC’s Study of Stock Exchange Indices: “Raising the Bar on Corporate Governance”

The World Bank and IFC have just completed a major study ofCorporate Governance-based Indices (CGIs) in eight countries, concluding that they they can have significant impact on raising the bar for corporate governance. They are usually created by stock exchangs and arebased on standards set forth in stock exchange corporate governance codes. (Note: Japan has no corporate governance code, and no CGI.)

IFC- Study of Stock Exchange Indices-2013

CFA Society’s Corporate Governance Roundup (Excerpts and Link)


In India, the new Companies Bill passed the upper house of Parliament. The bill requires that every listed company appoint at least one-third of the total number of directors as independent directors for a maximum of two terms of three years each. A certain class of companies will be required to have at least one female director. Furthermore, directors are barred from holding more than 10 directorships in publicly traded firms.

“Concentrations of Power: Why Internal Pay Equity Matters”

From the GMI Newsletter – Large gaps between the compensation of CEOs and other named executives do not necessarily indict the CEOs as imperial or the boards and senior management teams as ineffectual. Any quantitative or binary measure of counter-productive concentrations of power requires thoughtful application to specific companies.

The Impact of Fraud on Shareholder Value: The Price You Do Not Have to Pay (GMI Blog)

The following entry appeared as part of Governance Metrics International’s GMI Blog. GMI is the leading independent provider of global corporate governance and ESG ratings and research. Corporate stakeholders – including leading investors, insurers, auditors, regulators and others – use GovernanceMetrics services to identify and monitor risks related to non-financial measures covering key environmental, social, […]