Morrison Foerster – SEC Will Not Appeal Proxy Access Decision; Shareholder Proposal Amendments Will Take Effect

On September 6, 2011, Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), issued a statement indicating that the SEC would not seek rehearing of the recent decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (the Court) that vacated the SEC's proxy access rule, nor would the SEC seek Supreme Court review.

J.P. Morgan: “Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class”

Investments intended to create positive impact beyond financial return

Impact investments are investments intended to create positive impact beyond financial return. This definition captures the key themes characterizing impact investments as illustrated in Figure 1: impact investments provide capital, expecting financial returns, to businesses (fund managers or companies) designed with the intent to generate positive social and/or environmental impact.

Investors and investments range broadly, across sectors and objectives

Looking Through the Wrong End of the Telescope: The Japanese Judicial Response to Steel Partners, Murakami, and Horie


When the Bulldog Sauce case landedat the doorstep of the Japanese
Supreme Court in July 2007, one suspects that the Court greeted it with all the enthusiasm of a homeowner who opens the front door to collect the morning paper, only to findwaiting a basket full oforphaned kittens.

Are G20 Commitments and Dodd-Frank in Sync?

A senior financial economist at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has published a paper entitled U.S. Domestic and International Financial Reform Policy: Are G20 Commitments and the Dodd-Frank Act in Sync?. The paper provides a useful overview of the relationship of these two important financial regulatory reform initiatives, focusing in particular on policies to address risks to the financial system posed by systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).

Growth or Decline: Improving Economic “Metabolism” to Raise Productivity

Professor Kyoji Fukao, Program Director and Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, wrote this on-point article in the Nikkei Newspaper's Keizai Kyoushitsu column on July 27 of 2011, describing the challenges that Japan's economy faces and the what is needed to get it growing again.

Much of the article appears below, but you can see the full article and the charts on RIETI's web site: