9/5/2015-As part of continuing efforts to promote market confidence and business integrity, G20 Finance Ministers have endorsed a new set of G20/OECD corporate governance principles.
The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance provide recommendations for national policymakers on shareholder rights, executive remuneration, financial disclosure, the behaviour of institutional investors and how stock markets should function. Sound corporate governance is seen as an essential element for promoting capital-market based financing and unlocking investment, which are keys to boosting long-term economic growth.
“In today’s global and highly interconnected world of business and finance, creating trust is something that we need to do together,” OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said during a presentation of the new Principles with Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Cevdet Yilmaz, who chaired the G20 finance ministers meeting on 4-5 September in Ankara. “The new G20/OECD Principles represent a shared understanding of what constitutes good corporate governance. Now the priority is to put the Principles to good use and ensure better functioning financial markets.”…
Press release:
Download the full G20/OECD Principlesof CG: