”Given the 4th quarter slowdown in the global economy, it is no surprise that overall corporate profit margins in Japan decelerated during that period. But before one panics and says that they are about to plummet, one should realize that it would likely require a global recession for such to occur and that the 2005-2007 period showed that profit margins can plateau at a high level for an extended period of time. Indeed, the four quarter average is still creeping upward to new record levels, and like most of the rest of the world, the manufacturing sector is declining while the non-manufacturing sector is accelerating to record highs. Meanwhile, Japanese profits are performing much better than those in the US or Europe. We have covered the reasons for such in our recent piece The Japanese Equity Outlook After the Nasty New Year Start (https://en.nikkoam.com/articles/2016/01/the-japanese-equity-outlook-after-the-nasty-new-year-start), but let us emphasize herein the corporate governance aspect of that piece……….”
Read full article here: https://en.nikkoam.com/articles/2016/03/japan-s-show-me-the-money-corporate-governance-march-2016
Source: Nikko AM