Brazil’s New Anti-Corruption Law – Strict Liability!

No criminal charges, but strict liability, big fines, and liability for bribes of private companies as well as public officials. — Under the new rule, there are administrative and judicial sanctions. Fines are between 0.1 percent and 20 percent of a company’s gross revenue from the prior year. If gross revenue is not known, fines are between $3,000 and $30 million. The payment does not exempt a company from paying losses generated to the government as a consequence of its wrongdoings.

“Josh Hardy and the #SaveJosh Army: How Corporate Risk Escalates and Accelerates through Social Media”

There is extensive evidence to suggest that social media has fundamentally changed the relationship between corporations and constituents. For example, a 2012 survey by Edelman finds that “listening to customers” for the first time is considered equal in importance to providing a high-quality product or service when it comes to establishing trust.1 Consumers expect to be able to engage with companies through social media, and the vast majority of consumers believe that direct engagement between company and consumer improves brand image.

“GSK, Facing Bribery Claims, Battles to Build New Sales Model”

LONDON, April 17 (Reuters) – ”Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline – hit by bribery claims in five countries – is to employ hundreds more doctors as members of staff as it seeks to build a new sales model designed to eliminate sharp marketing practices.

Following a decision to cut commercial ties with outside doctors, GSK expects to increase its in-house team of physicians by 10-20 percent over the next year or so from around 1,500 at present, Chief Medical Officer James Shannon told Reuters.

“How to Bribe” by Transparency International

The authors state that the purpose of the publication is to “illustrate how bribes are paid in practice, based on legal cases and realistic experiences.” They go on to describe why they took the time and effort to compile 46 pages of bribery scenarios: “to help individuals and companies anticipate, recognize, avoid and resist bribery.” The authors, based on my experience, accomplish both goals.