Skadden ” NIST Cybersecurity Framework: Preliminary Draft Issued”

From Skadden's recent Client Alert – see link below – On October 22, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued its PreliminaryCybersecurity Framework (the Preliminary Framework).1 The Preliminary Framework representsthe first full draft of the Cybersecurity Framework (the Framework) that President Obama orderedNIST to develop in his February 12, 2013, executive order addressing the regulation of criticalinfrastructure network security.2

METI’s “Working Group on Corporate Governance Dialogue”, and Other Study Groups

METI has got several councils or study groups working on themes related to corporate governance, acounting, disclosure, shareholder engagement,and CSR Policy. Most of them are summarized (with materials) here:


“Mizuho admits four execs knew of yakuza loans” – Japan Times

Mizuho Bank has admitted that at least four of its executives, including two former deputy presidents, knew that it was lending money to underworld and other “antisocial” groups and that it neither stopped nor sought to hold management responsible.

Among the four, an unnamed former deputy president was aware of the illicit practice as far back as December 2010….

Masamoto Yashiro: “In truth, why Japanese management is not global? What should we do?” (brain storming at The Univ. of Tokyo)

Excerpts from a summary of pointson Gerhard Fasol's blog, based on an evening of brainstorming by Mr. Yashiro at the University of Tokyo –

2. The Japanese-style board structure is not appropriate to ensure sound corporate governance.

In Japan, Board Members are almost always managing employees of the company, so the question arises who’s interests they represent on the Board. Do they represent the interests of the institution (the company), the employees or the interests of the shareholders.