7/30, BDTI Will Offer Next English “Director Boot Camp”

This one-dayintensive program teaches participants the key legal and corporate governance knowledge they need to responsibly serve on, report to, or analyze boards of Japanese companies, both public and private. The course consists of short lectures interspersed with ample time for interactive discussion and questions-and-answers about real-life situations that occur on boards, and how to handle them. The course is usually good fun for everybody, since we all learn from each others' experiences, as well as from BDTI. The program will cover topics such as:

“Concentrations of Power: Why Internal Pay Equity Matters”

From the GMI Newsletter – Large gaps between the compensation of CEOs and other named executives do not necessarily indict the CEOs as imperial or the boards and senior management teams as ineffectual. Any quantitative or binary measure of counter-productive concentrations of power requires thoughtful application to specific companies.

Japanese Cabinet Approves Growth Strategy with Proposals About Governance, But Without Prior Proposals re Director Training

Last Friday (May 14th) the Japanese Cabinet approved its much-awaited Growth Strategy, which included mention of corporate governance as part of the strategy (see the proposals below), but did not include the proposals the LDP made in its May 10th Interim Report to require public companies to disclose their policies with respect to training for all new and continuing directors.

New Turkey Code of Commerce

Turkey has promulgated a new Code of Commerce, bringing sweeping changes to the countries economic law foundations, including the requirements that all companies (private ones too) have certain information on their web site including financial statements and auditors's reports9, that companies protect minority investors and ensure the properness of related-party transacitons,, that public companies have independent directors comprising a minimum of one-third of the board (and one-halfof the board be outside.)

The Size and Composition of Corporate Boards in Japan (paper)

Abstract.We analyse the structure of corporate boards in Japan to determine whether they are matched to each firm’s specific needs. Consistent with US findings, our results show that board size is positivelyrelated to firm size
and firm complexity, and negatively related to monitoring costs. However, board independence appears to be unrelated to most firm characteristics. This suggests that Japanese boards are not optimally structured to carry

The Impact of Fraud on Shareholder Value: The Price You Do Not Have to Pay (GMI Blog)

The following entry appeared as part of Governance Metrics International’s GMI Blog. GMI is the leading independent provider of global corporate governance and ESG ratings and research. Corporate stakeholders – including leading investors, insurers, auditors, regulators and others – use GovernanceMetrics services to identify and monitor risks related to non-financial measures covering key environmental, social, […]