What Companies Are Good For

Excellent discussion by Edward Hadas about using an Aristotelian perspective to consider this question that is so central to anyconsideration of corporate governance issues.(From Reuters – By Edward Hadas May 2, 2012) –

Singapore Revises Code of Corporate Governance, Strengthening Rules Requiring Director Training

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has released its conclusions on the draft revised Singapore Code of Corporate Governance, strengthening its rules regarding training of all directors, and requirementsforindependent directors.

The recommendations of the Singapore CG Council on the topic of director training, and MAS' response, are as follows:

C. Director Training

New Paper Suggests that Effective Ethics Training is Integrated into Strategy, Stakeholder Relations

New Paper: Corporate Ethics Governance – The Role of Stakeholders in a Framework beyond Codes and Borders. Most interesting findings: 1) The findings in this study based on the foregoing combined stakeholder management theory and the theory of planned behaviour show that perceived stakeholder pressure and consciously recognised internal and external benefits have a significant […]