Vonya Global released its second survey of global executives and internal auditors atprivate, public and non-profitorganizations, concerning their concerns about fraud risks, whether they are increasing or not, how to best deal with them, and other matters. Perhaps the most interesting result is that there is general agreement that roughly 5% of all global revenue is lost because of fraud.
Month: September 2011
Are All Independent Directors Equally Informed? (No they are not)
Fascinating research paper with the above title. Few surprises here, but fascinating. Abstract:
Which Firms Benefit from Bribes, and By How much? Evidence from Corruption Cases Worldwide
Excerpt from entry in Harvard Law Blog by authors ofresearch paperwith the above title:
The Risk Intelligent CFO: Converting Risk into Opportunity (Deloitte)
The Board and C-suite are asking hard questions about risk. And they are seeking better processes to manage uncertainty in a challenging economic and regulatory environment.
Morrison Foerster – SEC Will Not Appeal Proxy Access Decision; Shareholder Proposal Amendments Will Take Effect
On September 6, 2011, Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), issued a statement indicating that the SEC would not seek rehearing of the recent decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (the Court) that vacated the SEC's proxy access rule, nor would the SEC seek Supreme Court review.
J.P. Morgan: “Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class”
Investments intended to create positive impact beyond financial return
Impact investments are investments intended to create positive impact beyond financial return. This definition captures the key themes characterizing impact investments as illustrated in Figure 1: impact investments provide capital, expecting financial returns, to businesses (fund managers or companies) designed with the intent to generate positive social and/or environmental impact.
Investors and investments range broadly, across sectors and objectives
Another Look at Force Majeure and MAC Clauses After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Since the earthquake, a lot of Japanese companies – and foreign companies – realized all the more howimportant force majeure and MAC clauses can be. Thismemo by White & Case presents the basics ofthese vitally important drafting issues, which board membersneed to be aware of when assessing the risks in a transaction.
The New Anti-Corruption Rules: What Do They Mean for Multinationals With Operations in Asia?
White and Case has produced these very helpful short memos on anti-corruption laws, their implications, and what the future may hold:
The New Anti-Corruption Rules: What Do They Mean for Multinationals With Operations in Asia? http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/fxdigvha
Compliance with [the UK]Bribery Act 2010http://bdti.mastertree.jp/f/emn3bvh0