PB Analytics – Japanese Boards, Composition at FYE













Excerpt: As of the last full year end for the 3,678 companies in the PacificData database, there were 4,267 Independent Directors or 10.6% of the total number of Directors. The total number of female Directors was just 966 or 2.4% of the total – well below even the 9.5% ratio of female members of Japan’s House of Representatives.

An Example for Japan: Germany’s Corporate Governance Commission

At the very outset of its governance code, Germany established a Commission of the Corporate Governance Code, which is required by law to evaluate the Code on an annual basis and proposed any changes or amendments that are needed.  On average, the Commission has amended the Code almost once a year since it was first put in place. Out of its 14 diverse members, 3 are women.

MoFo FCPA and Global Anti-Corruption Team: “Top Ten International Anti-Corruption Developments for October 2015”

In order to provide an overview for busy in-house counseland compliance professionals, we summarize below some of the most important international anti-corruption developments in the past month with links to primary resources. October saw another SEC-only corporate FCPA settlement, an explanation from DOJ as to why theapparent decrease in volume of FCPA criminal actions does not mean anti-corruption is no longer an enforcement priority, an important ruling in an FCPA whistleblower case, and a variety of other anti -corruption developments in the U.S. and abroad.

Global Financial Literacy – Among Developed Nations, Japan Ranks Low, Just Slightly Higher than Italy

On the link below, you can download S&P's report comparing global financial literacy in various countries.  (See definition below.) S&P asked four simple questions about things like how interest works and ranked countries based on the percent of correct responses.  At 41%, Japan has a relatively low score among developed nations, which ranks it just above Italy in most respects. 

ICGN’s Public Comment to the FSA’s Follow-Up Council on the Corporate Governance Code and the Stewardship Code

ICGN submitted a response to the call for comments to improve the corporate governance of listed companies in Japan. This includes comment on independent directors, accounting fraud and audit committees, procedures for class actions, translation of disclosure documents and caution around special class ‘Model AA’ shares.
