“On September 16th, 2015, the Government Pension Investment Fund has become a signatory to the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI) to express our attitudes to ESG issues.
Our basic perspective on ESG issues
“On September 16th, 2015, the Government Pension Investment Fund has become a signatory to the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI) to express our attitudes to ESG issues.
Our basic perspective on ESG issues
The value at risk to manageable assets from climate change calculated in this report is US$4.2trn, in present value terms. The tail risks are more extreme; 6°C of warming could lead to a present value loss worth US$13.8trn, using private-sector discount rates. From the public-sector perspective, 6°C of warming represents present value losses worth US$43trn—30% of the entire stock of the world’s manageable assets.
A Japanese citizens' panel ruled on Friday that three former Tokyo Electric Power executives should be indicted over their handling of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Kyodo news agency said.
Q – Quality of management is something that can be achieved only by direct interaction and investor judgment. Hence, sustainability inevitably needs human interaction, face-to-face dialogue and understanding that management is committed to full integration of sustainability — walking the walk, not just talking the good talk.
Since most of an aircraft’s lifetime GHG emissions occur in service, Boeing feels it is critical to design and build products and systems with sustainable technologies to reduce the environmental footprint while reducing cost. Boeing’s engineers look to make design decisions considering environmental performance measures that:
Topics covered in the RI Insight/MSCI ESG Research Round Table Report 2015 include:
• The impact of the UK Stewardship Code and other international stewardship codes
• Governance signals of investment risk
• How external fund managers are assessed on stewardship
• Governance practices across Europe and in the US
• Impact of pension fund size on corporate engagement practices
• The asset manager/corporate governance nexus
• Family office and high-net-worth interest
• The growing role of bondholders
• Engagement and co-operation between investors
• Long-term activists
Major topics covered in this reportare:
This year’s RI Asia conference, which took place in Tokyo on April 21/22, at the Tokyo Stock Exchange came at a fascinating juncture.
There is also clear connectivity between Utilities and Cars and their footprint, as Electric Cars will only be as 'green' as the electricity input is.
Tesla can and will design and sell electric cars, and consumers can buy them as a badge of honor of sorts, but if the car is being charged with electricity sourced from a utility that is mostly burning coal, then electric cars are likely worse for the environment than driving a car, and filling up at your local gas station.
As seen years back when GM didn't act fast enough to change with the times while Toyota became dominant through its Prius success and focus on quality, sustainability is in many ways now the most important trend to consider in the Auto sector. GM used to be one of the largest companies in the world, and they faded in value while Toyota became dominant. The performance of this sector has arguably directly been tied to sustainability focus and success over the last 20 years, and this is likely to reoccur in future. At minimum, sustainability considerations need to be directly in the mix of investor considerations. Watch for future pieces across all sectors where sustainability has become increasingly critical to ongoing investment success.
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