Discussion Forum User Account

1. Account Information

The “Discussion Forum” is a web site operated by The Board Director Training Institute (hereafter, “BDTI”) in which users participate. BDTI requires all users of the Discussion Forum to register. When the user registers and obtains a password, he or she will be able to make new entries in the Discussion Forum, to make comments about topics addressed by entries that have already been made, and to upload useful materials such as research papers or other reports, etc. to the Data Library. Please note that BDTI is a non-profit Public Interest Incorporated Association (Koeki Shadan Hojin) certified by the Japanese government, and its objective is to contribute to the improvement of corporate governance and the development of the economy and Japanese companies by spreading knowledge about subjects such as the Company Law, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, and management, finance and economics among the general public. Accordingly, we are able to operate thanks to voluntary contributions from supporters, and fees for Participating Members.


1. Viewing of Entries, Comments and Materials Etc. in the Discussion Forum

The Discussion Forum consists of all entries, all comments to those entries, and the numerous documents that have been uploaded to the Data Library. All comments, research papers, materials and all other contents published in the Discussion Forum (collectively referred to as “Contents” hereinafter) are published under the administration of BDTI pursuant to its objective of improving corporate governance. However BDTI makes no warranty, representation or guarantee with respect to the accuracy or appropriateness of the Contents (including the stated identity of the author of the Contents). Moreover, BDTI cannot be held responsible or liable by any third party for any kind of damage, loss or loss of profits arising from use of the Discussion Forum, either directly or indirectly. Each user participates in and uses the Discussion Forum under his or her own responsibility and at his or her own risk.

The copyright of all content posted on the Discussion Forum is owned by either BDTI, the original creator of the content, or the provider of the content. Each user is allowed to refer to or quote the content to the extent permitted by law, but is prohibited from duplicating, republishing and/or reproducing without the copyright holder’s permission. The purpose of the Discussion Forum is to enhance each user’s understanding of corporate governance by providing information on the Company Law, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, finance, and other related topics. BDTI prohibits the appropriation and usage of Discussion Forum contents for commercial purposes.

2. Content Submission and Publication

Users who wish to have Discussion Forum blog entries, comments, and data files uploaded to the Data Library (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “Content”) published on the BDTI website will need to follow established procedures. It may take time for your submission to be approved and published. Also, please note that BDTI reserves the right to refuse publication at any time. In addition, Content that was previously approved may subsequently be removed or deleted at BDTI’s sole discretion, regardless of the reason, at any time.

In publishing Content, BDTI will do its utmost to avoid infringing the rights of copyright holders. As such, when a user wishes to submit Content, BDTI will verify whether the user submitting the Content is the copyright holder of the Content in question or whether the copyright belongs to a third party. If you believe the Content you are submitting to the Discussion Forum may infringe upon any other person’s copyright, you are requested to notify BDTI of that fact in advance in all cases. Please refrain from submitting Content that is inappropriate or would constitute spam, or any other form of unauthorized solicitation, etc. Finally, if you do not hold the copyright to the Content that you wish to submit, we ask that you assist BDTI in obtaining consent from the owner of the copyright.

Of course, the copyright for Content that is submitted directly to the BDTI by the copyright holder will continue to belong to that copyright holder. However, at the time of submission you will be asked to grant BDTI the full permission to freely use the Content throughout its activities. BDTI will not be providing any royalties or manuscript fees with respect to the use of any such Content.

Please note that in no event will BDTI be liable for any loss or damage to third party copyrights and other rights arising from the submission of Content to the BDTI website and its use by BDTI.

3.How BDTI Will Handle Users’ Personal Information

In order to register on the BDTI website, potential users will need to provide the following information in accurate form: their name, their occupation (industry is sufficient), and e-mail address, etc. BDTI does not accept anonymous registration requests, nor do we do accept registrations under names of corporate entities.

When the user registers, s/he has to create a “handle”. A “handle” is required when the registrants upload Contents and/or post comments. Depending on the registrant’s selection at the time of each submission, either the registrant’s real name or his or her “handle” will be displayed, along with the content. The user will be able to select his or her own “handle” freely, but BDTI asks each registrant to create a “handle” which will indicate his or her profession in some way to the extent of comfortably disclosing such information (i.e. Tokyo Lawyer AB), since this is valuable information that will lead to more meaningful discussion. Please be aware that if the registrant chooses to have his or her real name or handle included with the relevant posting or submission, BDTI is in no way responsible for any damage or liability arising from the publication or dissemination of this information.

Personal information collected by BDTI will be used for the following purposes. (For more details, please see our privacy policy by clicking on the “Privacy Policy” link at the top right hand corner of the BDTI website.)

Purposes of Use

We may use your personal information to:

  • Administer the website; and verify and manage registration information;
  • Send you notifications regarding training programs, lectures, speeches and seminars organized by BDTI (sending out event invitations, etc.); and gather information (inviting users to participate in surveys, etc);
  • Respond to various enquiries;
  • Conduct marketing research in order to improve our services and our advertising agency operations; and
  • Send to you advertising communications for various products and services that will be conducted as part of advertising agency operations.

4.Cancelling Your Registration

You will be able to cancel your registration any time after your approval as a user. In addition, please note that BDTI reserves the right to cancel a user's registration at its sole discretion, regardless of the reason.

2. Password

This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

9 + 0 =

Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
