Looking Through the Wrong End of the Telescope: The Japanese Judicial Response to Steel Partners, Murakami, and Horie


When the Bulldog Sauce case landedat the doorstep of the Japanese
Supreme Court in July 2007, one suspects that the Court greeted it with all the enthusiasm of a homeowner who opens the front door to collect the morning paper, only to findwaiting a basket full oforphaned kittens.

Are G20 Commitments and Dodd-Frank in Sync?

A senior financial economist at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has published a paper entitled U.S. Domestic and International Financial Reform Policy: Are G20 Commitments and the Dodd-Frank Act in Sync?. The paper provides a useful overview of the relationship of these two important financial regulatory reform initiatives, focusing in particular on policies to address risks to the financial system posed by systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).

Radical(?) Suggestion #1 to Improve Global Corporate Governance

For some time it has seemed to me that our thinking about corporate governance has become blindered by the existingframework and playerswe have created, which have becomeself-sustaining and assumed to be immutablenomatter howimperfectthey are.This is the first of a series of ideas and suggestions that I hope will provoke productive discussion unhindered by such assumptions.

China Joins Other Countries in Outlawing Bribery Overseas

With this new law, multinationals have even more things to worry about with respect to avoiding actions that could be interpreted as corruption.

China has joined a growing number of countries that are implementing new criminal laws to prohibit payment of bribes to foreign officials. In doing so, China is seeking to encourage good behavior among the growing number of Chinese companies doing business overseas.

BDTI Seminar on 9/16: “How Can Amendment of the Company Law Improve Corporate Governance?”

BDTI will be holding a seminar(panel discussion) onthe most importanttopics regarding amendment of the CompanyLaw,whichhas been underdiscussion by the MOJLegal System Advisory Committee for more than a year. Two members of thekey Committee will be on the panel, as well as one of Japan's most respected practicing lawyers, and a well-known fund manager andCEO/CIOspecializing in Japanese equities investment.