The Board Director Training Institute of Japan (BDTI) has produced a translation of the table of contents, and the sections related to corporate governance, in the LDP’s “JapanRevitalization Vision”, which was published on May 23rd. As ofMonday, May 26th, the recommendations in this “Vision” became formal LDP policy when they were approved by senior Ministers Amari (METI), Aso (FSA), and Prime Minister Abe.
Registered users can download this translation at Registration is free, using the button at the upper right of this screen. If you share this withothers we wouldappreciate itif you would also pleasesend the following link, updating about BDTI’s activities over the past year and inviting participation in our fund-raising drive. (Producing translations like this and refining them requires both time and money.)Naturally, please feel free to disclaim any endorsement.
Those who readJapanese can also seea summary of BDTI’successfulMay 26th seminar here in Tokyo entitled “A Corporate Governance Code for Japan, Against the Background of the Stewardship Code – What Can be Learned from Other Countries?”, which was attended by both of the MPs (dietmembers)who led the consensus-building and drafting of the proposals related to corporate governance and finance in the “Vision”. One can also download the presentation materials used by each speaker at the seminar at this link.