Here are some of the key documents that are described by Keith Darcy in his articlethe previous entry (or memos about them), which led – and are leading to – an inevitable convergence and upgrading of ethics and related systems in many countries:
Defense Industry Initiative
US Federal Sentencing Guidelines
OECD – Convention on Combating Bribery- 1997
OECD- Recommendation of the Council – Bribery – 2009
OECD – Good Practice Guidance -2010
Weil – OECD Good Practice Guidelines -2010
Murphy- Commentary on OECD Good Practice Guidance – 2012
UN Global Compact
Keith T. Darcy is Executive Director of theEthics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA)and Chairman of the ECOA Foundation. Darcy
has combined a 40-year career in the financialservices industry with his profession as an educatorand his long-term involvement in business
ethics, corporate governance and organizationalleadership. Since 1994 Darcy has been teachingEthics and Leadership in the Executive Programs atThe Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.He is an Executive Fellow of the Ethics ResourceCenter in Washington, D.C., and served on theGlobal Anti-Corruption Council of the WorldEconomic Forum headquartered in Davos,Switzerland From 2007-2012.