We have received a kind message below from Ms. Jessica Robinson, Chief Executive Officer of Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia.
Month: April 2013
What Participants Say About BDTI’s English “Director Boot Camp”
Clickthe icon below toread what participants say about our Director Boot Camp!
Read more at this link, and sign up for the upcoming program! If it is already full, we will save a place for you at the next one:
6/4, BDTI Will Offer Next English “Director Boot Camp”
This one-dayintensive program teaches participants the key legal and corporate governance knowledge they need to responsibly serve on, report to, or analyze boards of Japanese companies, both public and private. The course consists of short lectures interspersed with ample time for interactive discussion and questions-and-answers about real-life situations that occur on boards, and how to handle them. The course is usually good fun for everybody, since we all learn from each others' experiences, as well as from BDTI. The program will cover topics such as:
Interview of Nicholas Benes (BDTI Rep. Director): “Growing Beyond GenBa 現場: An Urgent Matter for Global Governance Training”
The Japan HR Society (JHRS)'s magazine, The HR Agenda Magazine, published an interview with our Representative Director, Nicholas Benes about BDTI and why globalization means that Japanese companieswill have to increase (and standardize) training ofdirectors, and training for managers aboutgovernance and compliance matters.
You cannot achieve the strategic benefits of being a true global company unless you provide regular off-site learning opportunities for your Japanese staff and your foreign staff to mix.
(Video) 2/12, Prof. Hilb at BDTI Symposium: “Practical Methods for Effective Board Management, Used by Successful Companies”
We have uploadeda video of the main portion of theBDTI Symposium: “Practical Methods for Effective Board Management, As Used by Successful Companies” which weheld on February 12, 2013. This event featured lead speaker Professor Martin Hilb of the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, and (as panelists) Professor and BDTI Representative Director Kenichi Osugi, Professor Bruce Aronson of the Creighton University School of Law, and Nobuyuki Hiraizumi (a director at Kajima Corporation.)